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NEXT Spirit

The invisible is beautiful

Ghosts are real

This will be a very scary month. October is the traditional month for Halloween begging while dressed up as almost anything you are not. If you are a real witch, you know what I mean. No need to dress up. A real demon, again, no need. Some folks just rely on their own attire and walk around thinking they are invisible to others. What a laugh. We can always see what folks really are because they constantly show us. The issue is the fact that we don’t believe them. The joke is on us. But this month, we will delve into everything spiritual. Not necessarily religious, but you already know what your thoughts are about that subject. This is more the unseen part of life. It’s getting dark. Let’s move on.

Check the mirror

It can be difficult to see a spirit. But since the permit to live hungry as a hermit to be a good spirit has been revoked, they are literally everywhere. In fact, your mirror has yours. If you connect being virtuous with having a spiritual purpose, you are mistaken. There is no standard that applies for that distinction. Granted, we like sainted spiritual types because they do such good work. They have genuinely spectacular standards. Their selflessness often seems past our abilities. But seeing what the spirit inside of you can contribute is your job. They did their own search.


In general, humans tend to think that what they put out into the world comes back to them. Of course, this is not entirely true. This is a quickie definition of karma that sounded good for someone and was repeated. But actions do ricochet. You have no doubt observed what happens when a basketball doesn’t swish through the net when it bounces off the rim. That is what actions do sometimes. They don’t always score points. After the rim bounce, the ball is then taken by another human and something else occurs. If the ball is taken down to the other end of the court, it may result in points for the other team. If a member of the same team gets their hands on that bouncing ball, they get another chance to score points. This is a real-life lesson. Anything could happen.

Scare me

So, this month will be scary. But you don’t have to be scared. That might seem odd, but life is like that. The scariest stuff is often kinda entertaining, like dressing up for Halloween. After all, humans aren’t losing their minds when they see trick or treaters. In fact, they get treats for their service. If you can consider your spirit in this manner, you can embrace it with more understanding. Grab a bag of goodies and make sure they are the kind you like so you can sample them prior to the holiday. Check your closet for your scariest outfit. I know I have a couple of those. Next, prepare to be scared. But in a good way.

What is your favorite Halloween memory? Do you enjoy being scared?


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach