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In the Spotlight

Our inner worlds are not dark. They are self-lit with mood lighting. Keeping your attention on yourself allows you to move the spotlight for exploring new directions. It’s not unusual to confuse self-absorption with self-awareness. But they are different in focus. To appreciate inner feelings, one must be able to be grounded enough in empathy to understand someone else’s feelings. Moving the light brightens up the place so that it is easier to see what’s new.

Spot the Feeling

Body language screams at times. But humans cannot see themselves and do not have the ability to see themselves the same way that every other judging human can. Sometimes the high voice of anxiety can be heard or the fiddling hands give off their own clues. But the energy expended might feel like it is hiding the stress. Looking behind the feeling opens up the possibility that a predisposition to be mindful provides some assistance to tap into better feelings. There are mindful markers along the path.

Mind the Temperature

It is possible to develop different levels of knowing. The proof is really in watching interactions to recognize what emotional feelings are involved, what kind of behavior works well and understand how attitudes gauge each level. If you are seldom surprised by the comments of others about your strengths or weaknesses, you know the truth. If you have learned to separate yourself from your own anger when it appears so you can clear your head, you are putting a better practice to work. If you know that there are things that are beyond your control and don’t fight life, you have become aware that there are seasons to life.

Turn up the Lights

Consider how you react when you think about what is going on inside of you. If it interests you to spend more time getting to know what is hiding in the dark, you know how to change the bulb. Magnifying the light helps to get in close. Minding yourself includes remembering to think about yourself with pleasure and wonder. When you observe yourself, you take on the most difficult but fun science project possible. There is so much to decipher when you become mindful of you. Eventually, you may use the same techniques on others. Humans are super interesting to study. For now, be tender and have gratitude that you are you. Illumination permits accurate observations. Move the light into all the corners to bring out all the good.

How do you feel in the spotlight? Do you have gratitude for the parts you don’t show off? Identify and list all the shiny sides you are hiding.


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach