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Count those steps

Ordinarily, we think of the steps we take as a part of our daily plan to exercise. I sometimes take the time to go up and down every aisle of a store I am visiting just to get in more steps. More exercise. They are tracked on my watch, which tells my cellphone, who keeps me up to date to see if I am meeting my goal. All this for just walking.

Keep walking

Since our days in the cave, we have been walking to get somewhere else. Each species keeps moving. Rarely do you see an animal show where the animal star doesn’t remain in motion. Stalking animals who are trying to go about their daily journey is entertaining and informative. We watch them in awe as they stay in flight, or on a run, or on the hunt. They are doing what comes naturally to them for that moment in time. Some animals travel thousands of miles on a yearly trek as a part of their inner GPS. They don’t need smartphones.

My steps

As I look back, each step brought me to this very spot. If I totaled them all up, those steps would represent thousands of miles, life experiences, triumphs and defeats. I left my footprints every where I walked. Every one of those steps was on the path that I was supposed to follow to get me here. I may not know why I was following any particular road sometimes but I was definitely meant to be there. It probably had something to do with someone else’s path needing to cross mine. I know that because sometimes I met up with another traveler who left me with some knowledge that I didn’t previously have.

Watch where you are going

It seems important now to watch where I am heading. Each precious step is important and it’s fun to be curious about why I reach each milestone, obstacle or freeway. I bet it’s not random. I may learn something about what’s ahead if I pay more attention. Or I may remember to be grateful for the chance to slow down and look around. Either way, I gotta get going. There’s somewhere I am supposed to be soon.

Ponder the meaning of those steps. Are you logging them mindfully? Watch out for signs along the way. You are exactly where you are supposed to be, but where are you exactly?


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach