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Stumble on Over

Stumble is a word normally associated with the act of making a misstep. It’s like a mini-failure. It doesn’t denote a full flat-on-your-face fall; just a funny misplacement that looked a little clumsy. When we fall as adults, it’s usually a disaster. If we are skating, there might be bruising or broken bones involved. If off a bike, there could be flipping involved. Falls are more easily noticed and create minor crowding at times. We gather around the person involved to show empathy and hide the inner satisfaction that it wasn’t us. A stumble looks a little awkward but doesn’t warrant excess attention. In fact, the stumbler can act as though the incident was the fault of a cracked sidewalk and look back crossly at it.

Surprise Stumble

Sometimes we stumble across information that we didn’t previously have. This could range from little secrets to unknown information that provides new knowledge. This often occurs in mysteries and romcoms and lets viewers in on the intel without including the main characters in on the story. When families learn previously unknown details of someone’s life, it is usually shocking and creates a lot of whispers and gossip. A walk in the woods can result in stumbling upon a lovely surprise of nature that was hidden from everyone else. This kind of stumble makes you feel special. Accidental amazement.

Wayward Move

For those who prefer a more colorful fall from grace, your blunder may be seen as a wayward fall. This type of stumble is dramatic and causes a lot of tsk-tsking to occur at family gatherings. But it always seems like so much fun. This stumble gives everyone else clear evidence of the drama of inherent wickedness. It is the stuff that gets prayed over. But don’t dismiss it since it provides the great redemption story. It allows the rabble to get together and proclaim their elevation over the carelessness. It creates the kind of story that gets repeated over and over and becomes the topic best remembered in an otherwise quiet life. It’s the gap year gone wild.

A Deliberate Falter

It’s time to think of our fails as just stumbles. Our mini-fails often show us where we need to make repairs. They give us the chance to try something audacious without apology. Experiencing a minor blunder just lets us laugh at ourselves while we correct course. They inform those who are watching us that we do not fear what they think about us. Since the unsteadiness is so short-lived, it is quickly forgotten while we continue to crash forward some other way. It may even allow us to unexpectantly come upon that concealed piece of the puzzle we weren’t even looking for. So, fumble forward on the uneven pavement. It is getting you ready for that smooth road ahead.

Can you rethink your gaffes? How do you react when things get a little awkward? Are skinned knees a badge of honor?


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach