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Take Five to Pause

When a group needs a break, someone in charge usually calls out for everyone to “take five.” Most people understand that this is loosely interpreted as a break and isn’t meant to mean just five minutes. If there is some set-up involved, the time might be expanded. The purpose of this break can also be to refresh those participating. This short phrase has multiple meanings but is meant to be temporary. There is even a candy bar with the same name. You have to finish eating it in five minutes I guess.

Take Two isn’t Enough

The basic premise of this website is to pause for two minutes to read, think, plan or zone out long enough to gain some knowledge, recover or notice what is going on in the here and now. Two minutes is short and sweet and manageable in most cases. Our shorter attention spans and need for speed make longer breaks more difficult for many to invest in. But two minutes, everyone has that. But two minutes isn’t enough time to handle deeper issues.

Another Take on Five

Celebrities are often asked about their top five choices to share a dinner with. They rattle off the curated names to impress those listening or reading. They don’t usually include the unknown heroes of our lives – our babysitters, favorite cousins, hair stylist or the nice man who always helps me bring my groceries out to my car. If they are looking for witty conversation, the famous folk might be more inclined to talk over each other to show off. The regular folk would have a warm, casual discussion of how good the food is. And all those severe clothing choices from the great writers might be boring. If my hair stylist was there, she could share some juicy secrets.

More than Five please

The five minutes I wish for the most is a little more precious time with those who have left me. I yearn for those five extra minutes to quickly say all the things I didn’t when I could, or hug extra hard one last time or apologize for the stupider stuff that happened. Just five minutes of precious time. Not possible but what a concept. Which reminds me to do all those things now with the living. So, I will take five with the sweet wanderers in my current life and treat that time with meaningful pauses, long looks and warm hugs. If you feel similarly, you can silently do this same thing. No one really has to know you are taking five. They just need to know that you appreciate them. If you get the chance, take a lot of fives.

Is there a certain someone you need five more minutes with? How good would you feel if you invested five minutes today in just one person? Are you willing to give yourself five minutes?


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach