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NEXT Thoughts

What’s on your mind?

Mind Control is Real

Whether you know something or not is not important. It is more important to understand the freedom that comes from controlling that thought. Think about all of the stuff you don’t really know. It’s a lot. Especially compared to what you do know for sure. That’s just a little bit. The wisest humans can utter the words “I don’t know” and not let their feelings get in the way. Those words can mean freedom. Only true masters utter in ignorance. Only empty minds can be refilled. The perfect storm to learn more is to be able to search around your brain and come up empty-handed. There is also great comfort in not being attached to having to know everything. Shrug your shoulders next time someone asks you for information that you do not have. Unless you are at work and it’s your boss. They need to be told the things they don’t know.

Think Gracefully

Stop here and think about this. You and your energy influence others all of the time. Affecting others influences the world. Your little self can act as the gently flapping wings of the proverbial butterfly. Those super strong wings fly thousands of miles on the regular. Humans unconsciously absorb the energy around us. You have felt this walking into many meetings and conversations. The actual air feels different due to the thoughts of those present. Accepting your role and understanding how your choices ripple around your circumstances helps you to remember to conduct yourself with grace. Lots of humans don’t think about their effect because they get too wrapped in looking a certain way. When you realize that it really doesn’t matter what others think, you acknowledge reality.

Stay True to Who You Are

This requires some pre-planning. Because we grow up as a product of those around us, the results are often skewed. Once we grow up enough to feel the necessity to break out of the cage we find ourselves trapped in, the mind must change. Learning, through reading or listening about how the mind works will never get old. The endless fascination of our minds and how to watch our minds think produces new energy constantly. Thoughts that may have been glossed over originally get caught the next time. You will certainly carve away the outside marble and find your masterpiece. It is in there; just don’t ever give up on you.

Brain Chemistry

Nothing exerts more power than your mind and heart. When you get passionate about your life and the experiences you fill it with, you open it up to the possibilities of more you. When you are able to see your mind for the treasure it is, you will free yourself emotionally from the stuff that results in shame, sadness and anger. You don’t want those anyway. Free up room for the great stuff. Being aware is not a passive state. Your behavior is based on the science of you. Once you walk away from engaging in unhealthy thoughts, your mind will be lighter and understand how to be more compassionate about your life. And thinking freely is a superb way to love your life.

What are you thinking right now? Can you watch your own thoughts come and go? Can you describe how you think?


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach