Life is really just a long road trip. Our vehicle centric society makes me wonder how we used to describe our lives before driving came along. The most enjoyable life trip starts with a suitably packed vehicle that is full of fuel and a well-tuned engine. The windshield is bug-free, the temperature is comfortable, the music is mine, the safety belt is secured and there is no heavy traffic. Once the GPS is set, we have a destination and the road markers are easy to read. Turn here. Increase speed here. Watch for Children.

With experience, we develop critical skills in steering and shifting to pass others. Physics dictates the limits of speed but ego pushes the pedals. Wipers fling away the tears of life and refueling is just a pit stop. You’re in. You’re out. You are on your way. Shifting consciously controls the pace and there is always the reward of a newer model with more bells and whistles. Roads get busier with more instructions and a better awareness of what will move you faster. Actions are sometimes automatic but the road will stretch ahead without accidents with focus. Maintenance increases performance and makes the ride more pleasant.

Understanding when to travel and when to take time off is crucial and off-roading meets a need to attempt something adventurous to avoid boredom. After a suitable time on the road, interest increases to passing on driving strategies. Sharing the wisdom of the open road replaces showing off. Adjusting to another lane opens up new opportunities and increases reflection. Trip choices vary and detours still get to the destination, often pleasantly.

Gradually slowing down helps to savor the moments of life. The repeating message of the GPS reminds you of the oncoming arrival at a preset destination but doesn’t mean you have to get off. Just meeting the goal represents the accomplishment of the journey. Not following a preset roadmap reopens a sense of adventure coupled with the knowledge of the ability to handle any road. Yes, life is a journey, a road trip of epic travels. If you get into the driver’s seat.

Do you have a known destination to get you started? Do you maintain your vehicle so that it can sustain your trip? Is your life an adventure?


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach