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Did I trip?

The air is warmer and sun is brighter. There is finally a little adventure to be enjoyed. It’s almost as if we are coming out of a hermit’s cave. When the first shaft of light hits our faces, we look around for whatever monster we left outside when we ran inside. For many businesses, the race to go home was a sprint. The stroll to come back out will be a little like a beginner’s marathon. I should have been training for this moment.

Trip Reservations

Usually, you make reservations when you want to go on a trip. Reservations help to make you feel more secure about having a way to get to the destination or rest at night. Our creature comforts are important to us and the planning makes the whole trip smoother. We don’t naturally like disruption in our lives. Reluctance to just setting out without a route is typical. We tend to feel more secure if there is a way of figuring out if the world is safe. Traveling without guidebooks, reservations or a idea of the path may not get the traveler to the destination. It’s more likely that the result would be a lost soul.

Short Trip

Caution seems like a good partner for at least the first time we return to whatever places we visit now. Once some initial forays have been completed and our courage is confirmed by returning back in one piece, there can be second and third attempts. After that, our brains will establish some belief that we are safe to come and go. But it will take time. The amount of time it takes will be different for everyone. We really shouldn’t compare realities too much since it tends to place more value on our actions than we really need to explain. Just let everyone do their thing and applaud. Applause worked pretty well when we were cooped up and we wanted to show appreciation to those who never stayed in the cave. You can give yourself a round also.

Travel Plans

It is tempting to try and dramatize actions that are harder for others than for ourselves. We think what we are feeling must be the same for everyone because we can’t feel the pain of others. We can react when we see them in pain though. This might be a good time to start looking into each other’s faces again so we can get used to noticing emotions. We may be a little rusty in this activity. But don’t put away those masks permanently. Now that we have figured out a method to keep our germs to ourselves, we might want to spread that around instead of a virus. No one really wants to return to the cave permanently.

Was wearing a mask easier than removing it after you became used to it? Can you lightly travel to get your sea legs? What do you notice about yourself when you go places now?


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach