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NEXT Truth

Truth or Dare

Playing games can provide truths that aren’t always easily available. Many partners are unpleasantly surprised when they learn the gaming tactics of those they love. Aggressive behavior from a formerly introverted person can be a shock. The laid back vibe of an extrovert may demonstrate a hidden lack of confidence. If you want to avoid the unexpected, play games with anyone you want to get deeply involved with.

General truths exist

Rain will fall on the day on which you planned your annual picnic. Heaters will break when it gets cold. Babies will vomit on white blouses. Cars will need gas when you don’t have time to stop and fill up. Your favorite fruit will be in season for a short time and you will be super busy and miss some opportunities to enjoy it. The truth dares us to try and stop it.

The truth is out there

There is a simple test to check a truth. You just have to ask if it is real. Too easy, right? The simplicity is key and hard to believe. When confronted with a belief, statement, thought or observation, just ask if it is real. Repetition of an untrue thought or unquestioned belief could unfortunately provide credence. Don’t believe everything you think.

A Painful Truth

Truth does not necessarily mean pain. What isn’t real shouldn’t be able to hurt you either. A revealed truth actually provides a new thought. New thought prompts growth. The upcycling of your life continues. But truth deserves time and the chance to develop itself, especially if it has been based on untruth for a long time. So, unpack that bag of old truths and take out a few for examination. You might be able to discard them. Or at least, play a game with them.

Ask yourself, is it true? Being patient with the examination of long held beliefs is required; they are stubborn and have been nurtured. Can you tell your untruths to shove off?


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach