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NEXT Undetectable

Noticing the Undetectable

You often read about finding a purpose. It sounds like it is lost. But let’s rethink that. Maybe the searcher is unaware how to find it. If this lesson was taught in school, there would at least be some basic understanding. It is astounding that the stuff we really need to learn becomes life lessons that provide answers through difficulties. Weirdly, purpose isn’t really hidden, it is just quietly waiting inside to be called. Knowing yourself is one way to let it out. It is unique to each of us, can change over time and is individually designed to fulfill us. For a few, it is obvious and once the purpose is pursued through persistent practice, talents and skills kick in to reinforce the satisfying feeling of working in alignment with your own purpose.

Purpose vs Passion

The word passion is often tossed around with discussions about purpose. They are more like cousins than siblings. You may be passionate about a subject but not want to pursue it to fulfill you. You can start with naming the things that come easily to you. But our thoughts are often counter-intuitive, and the easy stuff isn’t always satisfying so it is best to look a little deeper. It is good to look at things that bring you some pleasure and excite you to want to know more because only through practice or development will you reach a level of expertise. Being good at something gives us very good feelings. Endless struggling and suffering won’t provide a satisfying payoff, but a little bit of effort is expected. Life is supposed to be joyful even on the way to somewhere new. Check the qualities each possible purpose you can think of proposes. Defining your two framework values always gives you a basis for measure. The two ways you want the world to notice you deserve the most expression. Live your brand.

Time Detection

Yes, a statement helps. Combine your description of the best world scenario with what you see in the world and your contribution. You have a life purpose. Once you set out on the course to fulfill your purpose, it will take some turns. But if you can remember that you are actually on a road, you know that there are always twists and turns to get anywhere. There are even detours that open you up to opportunities that you didn’t imagine. Guess what? They are meant to be there. Once the universe sees you on your quest, it will add in some advantages. Don’t restrict yourself so much that you forget what part chance will play in your life. If you can hesitate just a moment to accept that the detour was actually part of the plan, certainty helps to drive. Trust is a funny thing because we don’t give it to ourselves very easily. But we are willing to drive on the equivalent of a few square inches of rubber.

It’s all Purpose

What if everything in our lives in part of our purpose? Organizing your schedule, activities, relationships and professional tasks with the mindset that they are your purpose provides every chance to convey your value system without having to commit when you don’t think you know yourself well enough to settle on one idea. The counter-intuitive result is your total immersion in purpose. When your whole life becomes your purpose, everything in it is visible and able to be detectable as purpose. Not choosing one way actually becomes the method. This type of clarity dissolves uncertainty. You don’t even have to overhaul your whole life and think too hard. If you can lean into just living with the framework of whole-life purpose, your results are constantly produced. If the real purpose in life is to live for fulfillment, there are ways to start today.

Do you think that you are on your way to fulfillment through purpose? Could you elevate your relationships to provide more purpose? Are you open to the possibility that your life’s purpose is detectable?


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach