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NEXT Vibration

The world is shaking

Full on Energy

This will really hit your woo-woo needs. We are going to talk energy. Yes, there is that stuff that powers your things. Yes, there is a tremendous amount of it keeping the world rotating. But this is human energy week. When you stop to feel your heart beating, can you see it? Of course not. But you know that it is in there doing its thing. When you fall asleep at night, do you know how you did it? Of course not, your body just does it when the correct circumstances occur. When thoughts come into your head, did you gather them from somewhere? No, sometimes they just show up all by themselves. Even the negative ones that you would really never choose.

Power to the People

If I used the term power instead of energy, it might be more palatable. You would understand it with more ease. Humans are powerful beings due to their spirits. Of course, the physical being has power derived from its own bag of bones and organs trapped in skin. If the physical being is cared for and is fortunate to lack illness, it moves with more ease. The spiritual being is like that also. It requires great care and feeding. And you know when you are doing it right because of how you actually feel your emotions. When thinking seems to come easily to you, credit your spirit. Watch your energy today. See what you can discover when you really focus on it.

Joyful Noise

Happiness is an inner state of great energy. It might come from getting something you want or even better, you might just realize that you feel happy. You can’t quite put your finger on why, but it is there inside of you. Wow. This may have come from your inner knowledge of deciding what you really, really wanted. Wow again. Anything is really possible. Believe in yourself and all that you are. These sound like attractive affirmations. But since I am cynical about affirmation use, I was very surprised when this knowledge showed up announced one day. I sat quietly and realized that I was happy. Even in the midst of a difficult personal time, I was okay with me. It is challenging to accept this at first because it is difficult to trust stuff you cannot see and everyone tells you can’t be rationally possible. But when it crops up, and it will for you, stop and sit somewhere and feel it. It is tempting to share it, but you can do that later. Most humans won’t believe you anyway and may consider you delusional. Too bad for them.

Power Center

Your personal energy will grow over time if you let it. Remember to quietly sit with it and enjoy it. Energy has a tendency to build by itself under the right circumstances. You are the correct center for it. When you can feel it and smile at yourself without having to explain your feelings to anyone else, you have reached that point where you own your own power. It doesn’t go away but it may ebb at times if you don’t trust yourself to be your authentic self. Power likes pure beings. That is all the more reason to look forward to admiring who you are today. When you realize that the person you are today can be an even better representation of your energy next week and next year, you know you are within range of the jackpot. Settle for just a moment with your vibration today and let it hum to you.

Your vibration is the energy that makes your powerful. Where is your center?


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach