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What’s Happening?

When Stuff Happens

There are significant stages in life. We usually think of them as chapters that change us. If your life is dying, it will go through a time of gradual change. Sometimes life changes when there is enough hurt that it forces a change. This can mean illness, divorce, money issues, child or parenting breaks or genuine realizations. These times demand real work, real thought and many times, unwanted change. They are uncomfortable, unpleasant and unplanned for the most part. That is the actual definition of forced. The only thing to look forward to is coming out on some other side.

When Inspired

A more pleasant change comes from the spirit of inspiration. It is mysterious where inspiration comes from. Maybe it lurks in the back of the head, maybe it is forced forward from penned up desires, maybe it comes as a gift. It is a beautiful aspect of emotion if it fulfills something lacking in life, creates some beauty or scratches an itch that has been annoying for far too long. Inspiration is a subtle friend if you treat it respectfully; it will continue to visit you. After you have opened up to the possibility that you really don’t know everything, inspiration can assist when you draw a blank. You just put on some music and wait for it. It is so busy that it takes some time to show. Quick inspiration is possible but not always available.

When You Have Had It

There are occasions in life when you need to send yourself to timeout. You know that if you continue, something you don’t want to show its face will take over. This can be due to anger, envy, frustration or any other lower vibration emotion. Shame is a major component that arrives a little later. The only mystery is why shame always has to tag along when you really wish it wouldn’t. Meeting your drop off can be frightening due to the uncontrollable feeling it dresses up in. Humans don’t like being out of control and it is never a pretty sight. But you know when you are experiencing this emotion clearly and change eventually shows up.

When You Choose

This comes with experience. Choosing that learning has reached a turning point or a human chooses it, change walks in on schedule. It doesn’t have to demand anything. It has a looser vibe. It has a patina of confidence. Choosing aspects in life leans toward satisfaction. It is nice to have at least a little choice now and then. When choosing becomes a part of life, the spirit gets involved and clears the way. This kind of change feels more like the kind of life we aspire to.

Change something. Use something that hurts, inspires you, recognizes learning or has you falling over the edge. There is always something going on. Ask your spirit to help.


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach