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Why do you ask

It’s difficult to determine how the world chooses circumstances for us. Luckily, I am adept at asking myself “Why me” when something occurs that doesn’t seem meant for me. This could range from a compliment or honor to sitting next to the sick kid while chaperoning the class field trip. When I hear my brain offer up that question, I am trying to explain the vagaries of the universe in two simple words. Or I might just be venting. It can go either way.

Why me

The question sets up a series of actions that often includes my guarded review of everyone else within the room who could have been chosen. If I am the only one around, there is no trouble figuring out why I am stuck in any circumstance. This happens sometimes when I am getting dressed and can’t find something I have picked out in my brain that I want to wear. Once I have made a decision, it is easier to try and stick with it rather than start all over. My why was already determined and there may be no way back. This is especially true if I chose the outfit based on the fact that I planned a specific effect from it. Any change in plans at this point would constitute disaster. If the gods want to mess with me, this is a stellar method. I notice that I get picked for stuff I really don’t want to do when I try and hide also. There must be some connection.

Weary Why

I notice that my voice sounds frustrated sometimes when this statement falls out of my mouth. My brain has made the thought to remind me that I have much too much to do right now and shouldn’t accept another task. Unfortunately, this sound is just for my comfort since it is socially churlish to reject offers to help at times. When I attempt to answer these requests, I can hear the right words to accept but my eyes are not feeling the same way and tend to bulge with the sigh I let out right afterward. It’s not always the actual words that tell the story; the real plot twist can be seen and heard. In the end, I tend to bob my little head in agreement and tilt my grin to demonstrate my extreme ability to go along and be selfless. Inside my mouth, I am biting my tongue to keep from screaming.

Wonder Why

This is a statement that remains in use throughout a lifetime. But it resists the truth. That may be the reason that it is constantly repeated. It always has some new vague reason for showing up to help me learn some lesson. Sadly, I am so disgusted with my inability to ignore it or deal with it properly, it just keeps coming back for more. That may be one of the keys to this often-used phrase. The whys that start with being a toddler go on throughout life. It is possible that the shape-shifting ability included in “why me” is bigger than us for a special reason. I would ask why but I am fairly sure that it would be one more task for me to take on and my calendar is full.

Does your “why me” sound like a question or a request for someone else to be asked? Do you know why you do some things you do automatically? How do you choose to say yes to inquiries?


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach