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A New Year

The semi-meaningful switch of the last digit of the year has occurred. Moving ahead can be pleasant if we attach better thoughts to what the calendar change might bring. But it can also feel lacking if not set up properly because life feels the same. The obvious difference happens based on our involvement. Change sounds like so much extra work if the return is not immediately visible. It requires a leap of faith. I am going to try to remember that my intentions are really just luscious little whispers to my soul. I tend to think that speaking in a low volume increases the chances of my being exposed to something secret. Inversely, when I do stupid stuff, I hear my thoughts loud and clear. I think I just proved my own point.

Year of Me

I think it’s a great idea to make each year the year of Me. It may sound self-serving if you have some old belief patterns that immediately scream selfish when you read that. Practicing rethinking through and after transitions is my specialty and I coach clients through a process that lets them see not just light at the end of the tunnel, but bright spotlights for a change. Transitions in life are meaningful times and they provide the best opportunities to start semi-fresh. You can always carry your old thoughts in your non-dominant hand while you wave the magic wand attached to your leading hand. Eventually, the old thoughts get too heavy to hold onto and you will drop them. They are like that last ten pounds that it takes literally forever to get rid of. They leave when they know they are no longer needed to protect you.

My Amnesia

Start with this suggestion: pretend you have amnesia. Now, look around you and describe the person whose world you see. Physically, mentally, spiritually and socially, use your words to provide the best adjectives to paint a picture of this person. Watch this person to see how they react in their world. Is this world warm or cool, pleasant or needy, colorful or monochromatic? If you can list the pros and cons of what you see, hear, taste, smell and touch, what are your thoughts about this person? First impressions aren’t always correct but they turn you on to what kind of things you think of at first glance. Next, make some notes. Gather more data from how this person lives in the world. Use adjectives as much as possible to really paint the picture. Spend some time in this activity over the course of a week. Then the real fun begins.

Year of Me

Most people don’t change because they don’t know what to change. But now that you have data, you have the basis for many experiments on where to create something new. You can use your own theory about whether a certain adjective or insight is the way you want to see yourself. You can make little changes anytime you want. There is no timeline to follow. There is just you and your year. Discovering who you are, finding out who you want to be and gradually becoming that special someone is so much easier when you remember that it is all science. Prove your own point; be the you that you deserve. If you would like to discuss the mechanics of transition more in a free consultation call, please contact me at [email protected]. Don’t miss out on you this year.

If you didn’t know you, what would you like about you? What is the easiest change to make first? Can you make a leap of faith in yourself?


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach