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Transformation starts for you now!

Year of You

Maybe this is the one. The year that you will get everything together. If you feel that inkling, come along. Every week we will move in some way toward that transformation. If you have suspected that those nudges you have been having lately mean something, they do. Follow that instinct. Maybe you know that inside you feel really, really different than you did before. Maybe your stagnant self makes you sick. Maybe you feel smarter or realize that you have more wisdom than you get credit for. You may feel that you deserve more in many areas of life. You have felt the accumulation of knowledge building inside of you. There is a spiritual setting inside of you that has turned up. It’s going to really be a new year for you. You have a big idea. Here is where to start your plan. To show some commitment to yourself, grab a notebook or journal and make up your new story. Don’t think of it as just a place to unload the absurdity of your life, think of it as the story of you from this day on.

New Year You

We always call it a new year as if we aren’t doing the exact same stuff we did three weeks ago. That’s why resolutions don’t stick. The resolution isn’t really enough. To transform, that same old stuff has to go away to a large enough degree to make room for its replacement. Being entitled to that big idea includes really tossing away some old ones that were cluttering up your life. That old you worked for a while, but you used up that previous you. When it’s time to shed some skin, it just starts to fall away and reveal what’s underneath. We can feel naked and uncomfortable. That’s the exact right feeling. And you can’t go back. If you could build a better you starting with this moment, what would it include? How would you look physically? What is your mental status? How wealthy are you? What are your values? Don’t include what you don’t want. Build a better you.

Born Over

It’s helpful to think about it as being remade. Life may have been perpetually being put off because of other stuff. When you realize that you haven’t permitted yourself access to what you really desire, regret comes to call. Let it poke its head in just enough to acknowledge it but leave it to tend to that old you for company. You must become the deliberate creator of your own life even when you just have a glimpse into what you could become. But that little peek is just the tease you need to want to go further. Once you get into it, the excitement of becoming will stifle the fears and the ideas will flow freely into your brain from a place you didn’t even know you had. Feeling the wonder of becoming new is like riding a new super-duper roller coaster. The anticipation builds as you approach. It looks steep and you can feel the timidity in your stomach. Your breath seems shallower. All great signs. Get in line. Time to ride.

Re solve

Resolutions are great if you understand the meaning of the word. If you are determined to re solve your life this year, consider why that message is coming up for you. Your thoughts are a product of your brain. Maybe it’s time to stop ignoring yourself. This is the moment to begin. I suggest starting with the one thing that bothers you the most or the least. They are both going to change, so dive right in. Neither is actually more difficult than the other; that’s just the reason you have used to put it off until now. And you are definitely not the same person you were last year. Remember last-year-you? That you is gone. It will be fun to meet the new you.

Questions to answer: What appeals to you about changing? Can you use a life event to rationalize your desire to change? Quickly, pick one thing to change today. What is it?


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach