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Ordinary 360

Look all around you

Your Life is a Movie

With steadier cameras, the number of perspectives has increased in recording. It is not uncommon to now see the camera revolve completely around a person. When done properly, this can result in more depth in the storytelling. Also, the need for Dramamine. This is a technique to use to examine our surroundings. No external equipment needed. If you sit or stand in the place that you spend the majority of your time in, take a slow moment to revolve. What you see is what is the literal world that affects you. If you take a couple of turns and move your eyes up and down, that really adds to the knowledge. Knowing how your physical world feels allows you to interpret and reinterpret it over and over. Those things that make up your external galaxy may not make a big impact on your daily viewing due to their constancy. Blindness occurs rapidly around things. The first impact of something new wears off rather quickly. Even the impact of too much to see creates a reluctant impression. When you can’t stop to check out all the goodies over and over, they tend to mean less. Revolving in your own world allows you to slow down to a crawl and really notice. That helps to create new thoughts about stuff. If you revolve and see real humans in your sight, take the time to stop and notice with as much focus as possible. That mental snapshot may help you see something you hadn’t noticed before. No need for a camera for this activity unless you choose to document your life.

This is the opposite of a selfie. This world view is everything except you.

Open your eyes wide

Option #1: What does your world look like without you?

Option #2: Did you have any shocking reactions to what surrounds you?

Option #3: What delighted you or made you want to smile?

That’s it. After you choose the option that best describes what is in your world-selfie, take a few minutes to describe why you chose that option and what action, if any, may come next.


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach