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Ordinary All In

All In is a Commitment

In movies with big jewelry heists, there is usually a scene that shows how all of the thieves will band together in the plan. There is a verbal agreement that they will do their best work with their individual skills to bring the theft to fruition and benefit from it. There is not usually much legalese or paperwork involved. Thieves take each other at their word. That’s nice to know. Their commitment may be based on the fact that the negative consequences are high and failure may mean some time alone in a small cell. They take a chance and go all in.

All In for Myself

Self-commitment means something different. If you can handle the fact that the only person who is really all in for you is you, that narrows down the need for commitment. You are literally on your own. If you don’t take care of your personal needs, know your wants and dream about your desires, no one else will. This is not necessarily narcissistic and it is okay to get over thoughts about being self-serving. They don’t help and they may usher in thoughts that produce guilt when you are trying to create some boundaries or work out the best way to increase your own routine. Go all in for you. See what happens.

Go All In somewhere else

This is a great way to use the concept and rehab your feelings for making self-care a priority. Going all in for children may mean being the best parent you can be as often as possible. Going all in for your parents may mean showing up more often via phone or text to help them remember what an awesome child you are. Doing the all in for your own hobby may mean really leaning in and making yourself a minor expert. Real enjoyment comes from diving deeper at any activity and rewards the effort in ways that may surprise you. I bet you didn’t know how good you could feel by being the parent you know you want to be or being the kind of son or daughter you know your parents deserved.

Spreading the All In

The energy required for going all in anywhere is different at first. It is an investment. Investments don’t always pay off immediately. But making the decision to go all in somewhere will become the template for how you want to show up everywhere in life. You will find new areas to claim that won’t take much to conquer. Experiencing each facet of your life at a deeper level will create a different sense of accomplishment that you will want to replicate. When others see that fierce determination in you, they will be curious about your new path. Take them with you. It’s even better to see others go all in around you.

Can you imagine what your relationships would be like if you decided to go all in? Going all in takes energy; can you put yourself first in the all in experiment? When you look back at your whole life, where could you have gone all in and succeeded differently?


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach