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Ordinary Alone

Alone but never lonely

The person you are most often alone with is you. It is important to get really comfortable with this idea since there is no way around this fact. We live alone at times. But we can also eat alone, we work on our own, we even sleep alone. And we sleep a third of our lives. Being alone with ourselves is part of the ordinary existence and creates a feeling of well-being when done right.

Good company

If you are good company for yourself there is no fear of missing out. This can be achieved through a relentless examination of our own thoughts. Talking to yourself through life can positively or negatively affect everything. Changing your thoughts to input goodness into your own mind can elevate your own desires and update the actual trajectory of your future. Thinking troubling thoughts gives you the opposite effect.

My own issues

It is unlikely that you would feel excited about exchanging your issues with someone else’s. We like our own problems because they belong to us. We may have even had a hand in creating them. Strangely, we create as much drama as we can handle. Pause and read that sentence again. We control our own thoughts enough to make sure that we can ordinarily handle them. Even becoming overwhelmed is a situation we can take on sometimes. More drama. If anything more was going to happen, you would know about it first. You are exactly where you are supposed to be. Kinda scary.

You are a treasure

Understand your own clever self. Having gratitude for yourself is first. Identify the traits that make you smile. Others may not even associate these with you, but the fact that you know about them is the most important fact. You may not have shared your best self yet with the world. You can think about that thought in depth. Remember, treasure is often buried because it is valuable. You may be hiding your own sparkle and the reason behind the deception is worth pursuing. Unveiling one gem leads to another.

Make a list of the good stuff you know about yourself; the reason that you can rely on your decisions and thoughts. Can you be gracious enough to be grateful for your own gifts? The most priceless parts of you were bestowed and you didn’t even need to ask for them.


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach