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Ordinary Alpha

Alpha has the lead

Recently, a lot of emphasis has been placed on the type of energy brought to a project or response. Sometimes strong responses are designated as more masculine energy. The thought is not that it is wrong to have strong responses because all people should be encouraged to embrace themselves and the energy they bring at all times. It is definitely not meant to be a criticism of male-type power either but the description leads to unfair thoughts of bias.

The Power of the word

It’s the word choice that creates false power. Masculine energy has demonstrated its ability to lead easily. Feminine energy is still playing catch up. Female responses are not necessarily softer or more submissive but they are lacking in a better description due to bias. We are lacking a better word choice so maybe we need to return to history.

It’s Greek to me

Alpha is usually defined as beginning or first and maybe that would be a better substitute for a description. Our alpha thought is the predominant one we provide and doesn’t have gender characteristics to subtly limit it. That would certainly leave beta with the chance to be a player if we thought of it as an alternate contributor. Another choice without a gender.

New Neutrals

As social needs change, words need to be updated. Neutralizing words makes them accessible for everyone and allows the words to truly describe what they need to mean. These changes free everyone from being bound by older connotations and liberates new thought. Removing barriers is a good way to create bridges. I am sure we could all use a few more ways to connect these days.

Listen for terms you use that already have baggage and may need updating. You can be the alpha and the beta in the same day and not have to contend with anyone creating any limiting thoughts about you. What words do you use that need a makeover?


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach