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Ordinary Autopilot

Autopilot Illusions

Humans are actually great with habits. Although there are millions of articles about how to create habits, not one is the exclusive way that works for everyone. In fact, the very fact that there are so many different ways to start every day perfectly points to the fact that there is no one way that works for all. Not one program has been successfully adapted by all of humanity to create the habit of how to start the day with absolute perfection. There is some learning in attempting to build better habits but that is just in the actual means and not the end result. Learning is accomplished, not successful system development. Sometimes habits become a part of the automatic way we get things done. Once we find a way to get to the goal, no more time is spent on improvement. Directing awareness toward actions that are completed without notice can explode in more ways to accomplish the same end, but it is hard to argue with the thought to change something that is not broken. Autopilot gets a workout on morning commutes when the workplace parking lot is reached without remembering the journey.

Autopilot Comfort

Humans love comfort. Many of the delights of life can be encountered regularly. Oddly, when we can pursue excessive comfort, the experiences get tainted and lose their powers. Even neutral activities like eating, drinking, shopping, and scrolling demonstrate their shadow sides on autopilot. The loss of control can result in compulsions. Repeated habits can restrict freedom and prevent us from reaching true fulfillment. Sadly, there are many ways to live on autopilot. Grudges and grievances have a life of their own. Auto-thoughts on what is wrong with our physical selves limit real acceptance. Placing limitations on progress through believing finite thoughts stifles progress. When there are repeated incidences coming up in life that need review, it is important not to rely on autopilot. Sometimes, autopilot is really lack of thought.

Change of viewpoint

Old dogs can learn new tricks. Age is not what is holding them back. Throwing off the ingrained habits is the first step. The possibility of choosing change is always open to us. These opportunities are the learning mechanism to progress in a different direction. The viewpoint changes and even slight switches create the opposite of being on autopilot. These little changes prime the acceptance of thoughts and emotions that prioritize new directions. Further stages include more exploration, learning and resetting the new ways through integration. Facing up to the feelings that come up in the process can help provide more understanding.

Plan to Pilot

To get better equipped for dealing with change, there are helpers. Living more mindfully allows us to remain present. Mindfulness mediations are enjoyable as well as helpful in improving brain work. When thinking more in the moment, it is easier to acknowledge that your thoughts and emotions mean so much. It is important to take the time to build commitment. Not everything needs to be fast. Once your priorities are more accessible, you can see your own true values and their place in your life. Walking away from living on autopilot expands your life and provides openings to rethink what always happened by default. You can create a new life. This will be a you that lives with your intention.

Do you feel stuck in autopilot? Can you start to reconstruct your morning routine to flow better? Are you willing to be more in the moment to see what happens?


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach