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Ordinary Awesome

Reasonably Awesome

It is reasonable to believe that we are all ordinarily awesome. This blog, this website and my book, Essentially Ordinary, are all based on the premise that all humans are ordinarily magic. Early on in life we may have heard some beliefs about thinking too highly of ourselves and those first lessons squashed the grandiose thoughts we had about how marvelously wonderful we were as a creation. We rarely wanted to brag or get too big for our britches. How sad.

Awesome Britches

On the contrary, we were built to be spectacular by a creator who took pleasure in topping themselves. There is no other way to account for the mesmerizing beauty of our world. It is not an awesome accident. We should strive to live up to that by believing in our ability to be awesome. That is how we evolve and grow into the new humans that manage life better, understand what it is like to endure hardship to reach resilience and forge ahead without seeing what is coming. It also explains why people play golf more than once. That shows a belief in tackling failure every single round.

Proclaiming Awesomeness

This takes practice. The best way to tell your thoughts that awesomeness is not only acceptable but preferable is by stating it. Awesome can be the answer to the number one question we answer every single day. Awesome can be the proclamation to every task completed, every acknowledgement of excitement and it makes a lovely reply to brighten up someone’s face when they are thoughtful enough to bring you your morning coffee, prepare an everyday meal, tie your shoelaces for you or smile at you without reason. Cashiers, servers, nurses, delivery drivers, bank tellers and that barista all deserve to hear it as often as possible. We probably can’t get tired of hearing how awesome we actually are. That demonstrates how low our current threshold is.

All Awesome

Getting good at recognizing awesomeness and putting the word into regular rotation will not harm us. It will not make our heads explode and it will definitely not make me think that I am better than I really am. Because I am like you. We were born awesome and actually grew up awesomely, live in an awesome world and need to remind each other of our amazingness. We can breathe and think it as proof. Let’s expand our use of words that elevate our lives. Let’s remember how awesome that feels.

Use the word awesome all day long and see what that feels like. Can you get past that primitive belief that believing you are awesome means your head is swollen? How do you account for the mysterious beauty of our world if you don’t believe in the power of awesome?


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach