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Ordinary Being

Be your spirit.

Thinking to Being

It is a quick jump from thinking to actually being. It’s literally just a thought. When you want to think you can do something, you can do it. Please don’t bother asking for permission. There is one tiny in-between step called knowing. Define the process as Think about it, Know it and Be it. Humans love to complicate things. This is a place not to. Take your permission slip and run down the hallway.

Being your own Expert

People who tend to get good at something tend to reproduce the experience over and over consciously. The goal gets closer each time you use the repetition. The goal is to get to the subconscious place quickly. The more reps, the higher the benchmark. Becoming automatic removes the burden of having to use up some decision cells. Saving some choices allows for them to be available for future use. It’s actual science. The neurochemicals in your mind and body adapt closer to one another. You will realize that you have mastered something when you find yourself doing it before you give it much thought. You might find that you drive yourself to a destination and wonder how you got there. Same thing.

Experience keeps Leading

You often can’t pinpoint this exact moment but can look back and see it in the rearview mirror. Knowledge leads to experience. Experience in repetition leads to holding space without planning. Life speeds up at times and being able to readily lean into good automatic routines makes it appear as though life is easy. It is actually the result of hard work, hard won. The inner spirit can fly. And it feels wonderful to do so. Giving the gift of attention to your spirit allows for the transformation of the mind. When you wake up with the good vibe for many days in a row, you begin to wonder why you were always so grumpy with your life previously. Good moods often have a lighter feeling, they smile more and others will wonder what you are up to. Make your spirit smile with you. Be partners in being.

Mind to Body to Soul

This is the actual recipe. All along, there has been an established way to get to your spirit, use your spirit, enjoy your spirit and be more aligned with your spirit. Nobody told you about this part. The best things in life are not just free. They are hidden for you to find. The reason for all this consternation is not that you needed to find your soul. The need was that you had to go through the journey of finding your soul. Add this to the important stuff that requires growth before you enjoy its company. Life is like a ladder. If you want to go higher, you have to keep on climbing. Along the way, the viewpoint changes and there is more clarity, even when you need to see above the fog. Your spirit is right next to you, encouraging each step. It doesn’t hurt to stop along the way and take account of where you are. The journey is the part you will find out later that you should have enjoyed. As soon as you get into the rhythm, the music turns on and you just dance forward.

Did you see your spirit today? You do have to look for the gentle wisps because they will get away if you don’t intend to acknowledge them. Just keep repeating, Mind to Body to Soul.


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach