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Ordinary Birthday

Everyday is your birthday.

Birthday Celebration

If you want to start a great discussion, ask a group of people their thoughts about their birthday. If you want the discussion to really create a fuss, ask the group about the best way to celebrate that day. Birthdays are handled differently all over the globe. The expectation of a youngster depends on their age and social group. Once you get past the Ponzi-scheme created in many early childhoods where everyone is invited to an event, gifts are purchased for every next celebrant because everyone is expected to go to the parties of every other kid, you can start using that time and money as an investment opportunity in the future. Schools have managed to complicate bringing treats to school if a parent wants to share the day and make their kid go to school. The summer birthday kids were already excluded. It has become complicated.

Blow out the Candles

This is another loss from the pandemic. But really, we have stopped spitting on shared food. That is progress. Sparklers, candles, numbers and all sorts of decorations can be placed on sweet treats in an attempt to make the day special. Rarely is broccoli or rice decorated but there is no reason that something that you really enjoy eating can’t be involved. A big salad might not be a good place for a cand,le but it sounds delicious. The actual singing that goes along with the celebrating can be embarrassing if you don’t like attention or if everyone in the restaurant is staring at you while the bored staff beats on tambourines. Maybe just opt for a sweet kiss or two from the one who gave you life. They are definitely celebrating the accomplishment.

Your Day

If you can think of every day as your own special day, even if just for a minute, you will love celebrating being born. It’s actually more like celebrating not dying yet for some but can still bring a smile to your face. Life is what we are really celebrating on a traditional birthday. Think about what your spirit has been through so far. Dragging that human body around even when you aren’t even in the best of moods, haven’t exercised it recently or haven’t looked in the mirror in a while, is your spirit doing its daily work. Taking one minute each day to close your eyes, put your hand on your heart to feel its beat and breathe deeply once or twice is the best daily celebration. You don’t have to share it with anyone else either. It is your personal acknowledgment that you are taking this being born thing seriously.

Born for What

This is the harder task. While you have your eyes closed, think about what you are here for. It’s obviously not the cake and ice cream alone. You have potential. You have the capacity to do good in the world. You are a dynamic being. If you have too many choices to choose from, just pick one for this week. Test it out. Change it next week if you want. But don’t skip the moment to choose. It is even okay to invite those closest to you to discuss. Give them a minute to think and ask them to gift you with some of their thoughts about you. This is the type of gift that is actually priceless. They may see something in you that you hadn’t wanted to think of. Time changes us. What you wanted as a gift in your youth will not be your wish today. And afterwards, bake some cookies. They defy the use of candles, and you can have more than one. Start all over again tomorrow and see what has changed. Happy day!

What is the greatest gift you have received? How do you really want to celebrate your life? Buy some party hats and wear them on random happy days.


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach