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Ordinary Change

Change Choice

There are many changes that occur in life that are not chosen. They are usually considered more negative than positive like illness, death, loss of material wealth or career. The positive changes don’t feel the same way. We often start battling our way out of negative circumstances and determining how to enjoy the good. We even give them emotional support when our thoughts run from not deserving to totally entitled. It’s luck or karma depending on the outlook.

Detour Ahead

Change can also be attributed to what is really going on. People change because they see the light in a situation or feel the pain. For the former, we give in to the power of life and to the latter, we want to avoid life. Change lives in polar opposites. It’s probably more likely that these types of changes are not chosen but feel like there is no other choice. The same thought about lack of choice can lead to either road. For most decisions, humans tend toward thinking that they can deal with personal decisions that have a little selection-bias.

Question Change

The missing link in each extreme is the part in which the changes are challenged. When we focus on interrogating each extreme, we can serve as defense and prosecutor and really get to the truth. This is where the many layers of what is really real are hiding. Nothing is truly crystal clear on the surface. You have seen many detective dramas where the aha moment doesn’t reveal itself until that lawyer or detective spots a crucial point and the whole premise is turned upside down. That’s when you get to admit that you didn’t see that coming. But everyone knows that the future is just waiting to surprise or shock us. That’s life.

Enjoy Change

It is possible to see something entertaining in change. Even if it is just the absurdity of what occurs. It may not be possible to really like change, but it is really possible to admire the possibilities of life. These kinds of lessons don’t come up all the time, but they are great catalysts to help us look at life and respond to the call to change. If the same type of reminder keeps popping up, it’s because you keep ignoring it. It may be less taxing to just deal with it. Think back to childhood when you were given the chance to choose a punishment. Even if isolated, it is a moment of realization that will replay itself throughout life. Either way, change chose you.

Would you rather be punished or choose your own punishment? Can you see a change ahead that you should choose now to work on? What can you inquire into that you have been putting off?


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach