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Ordinary Commitment

Commit to want

There is always something we want. But we desire at so many levels and the act of wanting requires no work. The comfortable thought of musing about a want is enough for some of us because it feels nice. But just like a car with no fuel, nothing happens without action. Every time we reinforce the thought about what we want, we create a larger issue about why we won’t get it.

Commitment means action

The difference between just sitting back and wishing and actually creating something looks like no action vs action. The way to get something is to move forward in the slightest manner. Small movements are still progress. In fact, gradual work ends up at the finish line just like the tortoise.

Negative commitment

Sometimes we want something that doesn’t meet our commitment to good change. Along the way to this goal, we have multiple chances to reevaluate the real need to follow these steps and sometimes we don’t listen to our thoughts about the action behind our commitment. We have to avoid the actions that move us away from the result we are looking for and stay committed to our original goal. Any break in the path to the destination gives us another chance to stop. Even when we aren’t able to get to that 100% commitment level, we learn from reviewing the steps that foiled our plan.

All in

If you can’t feel 100% committed to getting something, it might not happen. It’s that easy. When you wonder why you don’t follow through with anything, it is probably due to this. If you think back on when your plans failed, you weren’t fully committed. Committed will do what is needed in order to get the job done. There is no trying. There is only doing.

Think of just one thing you really, really want. Why don’t you have it? Look at your commitment and see where it is failing. Can you commit to yourself?


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach