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Ordinary Company

Fly on your own


Those who want to learn to fly often check to see how many hours of preparation are required until they can do it on their own. Life is like that in that way if you are interested in showing that you don’t need help. Humans disdain asking for help even though it is the one thing we really like to do for one another. Count how many times you have asked for help lately versus how many times you offered. The offers to help were rebuffed and the number of times you asked were probably very low. Musicians work years to perform unaccompanied even though they regularly play in groups together. Waiting for that big break is considered the path. Being in the band is rarely the greatest wish. Humans thrive on accomplishment and enjoy recognition. Band or choir members practice to become one voice or sound to be experienced. It may be the lack of assistance that appeals to humans. It may be that it demonstrates a lack of belief in what others can do to back us up in the manner we prefer. No one knows. Maybe it helps to find out what is really meaningful and define a path. If that one doesn’t go far enough, there are more to consider. When you travel alone, the path is yours to take.

One at a time

Option #1: When do you want to travel alone?

Option #2: Is your life musical?

Option #3: Can you ask for assistance?

That’s it. After you choose the option that best describes having company, take a few minutes to describe why you chose that option and what action, if any, may come next.


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach