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Ordinary Confusion

Confusion Signs

Confusion is one of those visually gifted states. It has its own well-known look that shows up on the face and the ability to make us scratch our heads without us even knowing why. It can’t be easily controlled. Confusion shows up and stops the natural course of events. It is fairly powerful once you realize the purpose it is providing. Our brains don’t like uncertainty and confusion acts like a sudden cold front forcing a decision. The hesitation it brings along is due to the fact that something doesn’t add up. The math is off.

Clarity of Confusion

Being in indecision is like limbo because you feel like any move might not be the correct one. We like to be right. It is possible that any or all of your options might work out, but that is still the great unknown when you are wandering around wondering what to do. This type of thinking takes up a lot of space because it can literally create so many other thoughts. The spinning seems like actual action, but it is just a ruse. There is no action when you are stuck in your head. Confusion does provide an option for change and that is often a chance to improve a situation. That’s where its true purpose comes in. You might not have wanted it, but life served up an option to make you really think. Finding a reason to pick curtain number three over curtain number two can be impossible at first. But then you realize that curtain number three is your favorite shade of blue and suddenly you are ready to make a choice.

Muscle Confusion

Performing the same exercise over time can result in stagnation. The muscles are used over and over and know what to expect. Inserting some muscle confusion exercise helps to increase the chances of improvement and gives a mental boost to the set because you have to pay attention. It’s like starting over but at a much better level. The muscles don’t know what the heck is going on and learn to adapt. The puzzle of how to confuse yourself creates new neural pathways in the brain that signal the body. The body likes the changes and gives you more power. When you feel powerful, the feel-good chemistry set overflows with nice feelings.

Confusion State

The state of confusion is best short-lived. It uses a lot of energy and once a decision is made, it is better to just go with it. It will be apparent if the GPS was off. Releasing your mind of confusion feels like taking a deep breath. The shallow breaths that got you through the confusion pumped you up for the task, but now it is time to breathe naturally. When you feel confused, it is a signal that you have been given a gift to choose. Once the mind is clear, the road is easier to see and all of your talents flow together. The pause in the initial state acts like the prompt for the rest of the process. Rethinking habits that have gone stale, eating choices that don’t excite or relationships that need some energy can all benefit from being confused for a hot minute if it helps you pause to calculate some options.

Where can you confuse yourself more to provide motivation? Are you able to look forward once a decision is made and ignore what you left behind? What does your confused state look like?


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach