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Ordinary Connection

How do you connect?

Connect the Dots

If you think about it, the dating game is pretty harsh these days. You can be swiped away in a nanosecond. You can be scrolled past with the flick of a thumb. Judging by the methods we use to attempt to find true love, you must be overqualified in whatever qualities a person is searching for. Since the days of choosing spouses for family members has dwindled down, there is a lot of pressure to be the best representative of yourself you can supply in two or three seconds. Even in person. Judgments can be made quickly just by habit. Perhaps we need to back up and start with a better question. What exactly are you looking for in a friend, partner or possible spouse? That would certainly help take the pressure off of your poor fingers.

Energy Connection

Have you ever wondered what it is that attracts you to anyone else? In school, or in college or even at the book club, there are humans that we are immediately attracted to and those we dismiss easily. Walk yourself back in your mind to the moments just before you met your best friend or spouse. If you were relaxed, it probably seems like it just happened by accident. You were both in the right place at the right time. If it happened a little more slowly, there may have been some underlying thoughts in your subconscious to be careful. Now think about the last puppy you came into contact with. Was there at least a glimmer of a connection? It’s odd how easy it is to have instant feelings for some animals but shy away from the two-footed variety. Perhaps it’s energy.


It may have reminded you of an electrical current. Often, love is portrayed in our memories as some type of power. We may not even feel as if we have control over it. You have entered many rooms and felt the instant ability to want to get to know one person and easily turn away from the next. It is how we are built. Somewhere deep inside of us, our energy is doing the choosing. That’s probably a good thing. It also makes us wary of those that don’t match us. You have undoubtedly felt that a specific person shouldn’t be trusted for some unknown reason. Your energy is sending you a signal. Humans live in vibration. And we are all at varying levels. Even these levels change from time to time. If you are deeply involved in a convo with someone whose energy is attracted to yours, you may not hear someone call your name. You may not want to hear them. The vibe that you encounter that makes you reluctant to swipe or scroll or dismiss is your actual charging station at work. Pay attention to the connection.

Dating Game

Programmers have attempted to gamify dating and love connections. We love to use technology to better our lives. The one piece of code that they are still uncertain of is the one that could be written with confidence in the correct selection. Until that time, humans will still need to depend on the cosmic forces and physical feelings of our connections. It makes me wonder if we need to slow down a little when meeting. After all, in recess in middle school, we just needed to start the game if there were enough breathing participants. The rejection didn’t start until after the game was in progress. Even then, we could appreciate that the other players were at least available for some fun. Everybody doesn’t need to be a love match. Look for other matches that you need in life. They are waiting for you to just greet them.

Ask yourself: How do you connect with others? Is it easy to dismiss others without a second thought? Who would be your one and only if that is all you could choose?


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach