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Ordinary Creation

Creation isn’t an accident

A long time ago, you fell into a life that was created. You may not be sure how this happened or who started this life for you, but you were living it. Upon examination, understanding why some not-so-good things happened along with the very good things left you puzzled. It is hard to understand why everything that happens isn’t peaches and cream. You wouldn’t choose anything else for yourself.

Are you in charge?

When I look at my past life, I see the choices I made that worked out well and the ones I regret. It’s so easy when you can see both sides. But I can’t change them now. Those choices got me to this point. I had an inkling that some of those choices weren’t really mine and were the result of the circumstances that existed at that exact time. I now understand that I was in error.

Responsibility changes choices

I also realized that my thoughts about those past choices defined them as good or not-so-good. My reluctance to say they were bad means something. By the time I woke up to this amazing thought, I figured out that I could really make better progress by owning everything going forward. My choices are my own. Learning to live with them and what I think about them often teaches me how to make better ones.

My life is my creation

The up side of owning my life is that I never quit myself. Everything in my life is a part of my decision to make it the exact way it is. I give myself extra points when I deliberate over thoughts and create life plans that serve me and my purpose. I never used to think of myself as creative until I took control of my most important work – me. Now, I feel constantly amazed at how brilliant an artist I am. Maybe not in the traditional sense, but in the grand scheme, I look at my life as a work of art.

Can you create your own life? Can you defy expectations that don’t meet your idea of what your life is supposed to be? Artists must have courage.


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach