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Ordinary Day

Can an ordinary day become extraordinary??

A Day to Choose

Part of the beauty of being a living human is the impossibly large number of choices to make when designing a life. Early humans were mostly trying to determine if they should go hunting today in the rain or wait to see if the sun was going to come out tomorrow. Honestly, they probably liked it when it rained so they could catch a quick shower at the same time. Nowadays, it is difficult to start the day with the clear understanding that the best choices were made. Humans like to be right and that can be based on the outcome feeling from whatever we select. If everyone decided to wear their hair in a ponytail but I styled mine in soft waves, feelings of insecurity might pop up. My societal expectation radar didn’t go off correctly. My ordinary choice was incorrect.

A Day like Everyday

There is a certain easy feeling that comes from having an average day. The brain doesn’t get taxed too much which allows for distraction time and the comforting activities of scrolling, streaming and screaming. There is a comfort in not choosing. But no progress is made and too many of these days really makes life feel boring. When we are bored, we search for distractions. Then we are right back at the scrolling, streaming and screaming. We live inside the loop. Eventually, time seems like it is being wasted and there is a hurry to change activities. Starting three different new exercises, choosing to eat only kale or texting friends to look like you are social will change the time use but becomes hard to keep up with because it is so far out of that comfort zone we were trying to escape. Habits really like to be introduced gradually to gain acceptance. This is a great time to look back a little and make note of what has changed in your daily repertoire to see how it feels. Compare how you were starting your day at the end of last year to how you currently wake up. Even small changes count. Get all the credit you can to make progress.

Day of Momentum

Motivation is a concept but not something you can hold in your hand. Action supplies the difference. The one baby step at a time program builds motivation through the science of momentum. When you take a step forward in your transformation plan, the little dopamine machine in your brain goes off and sends you a hit. That good vibe you mistook for a lack of heartburn because you chose not to eat pizza for breakfast was actually the chemical your brain fed you for encouragement. Even that little whiff supplied enough fuel for the next step and a second dose of momentum. Remember all that science stuff from school about bodies in motion? Your teacher was right. You can accidently or deliberately do experiments on yourself. Do whatever it takes to encourage yourself to just fall forward that one step. After you get moving, momentum will take over and make it easier. And you get all the juice you need from your happier brain.

Day of Reckoning

If you haven’t gotten started yet enough to feel good about becoming that absolutely divine self you know is hiding inside of you, close your eyes and breathe. Next, take a bigger breath. You will need the incentive to push yourself a little. I promise that it will get easier. It takes courage to create the person that no one else even knows. It takes courage to walk away from your past. Focus on the fact that you are not rejecting who you previously were. You are just heading toward that person you have seen waiting out ahead. You like that person. They have all the good traits you want to hold onto and have let go of the ones that you can’t stand anymore. Today is the day. Stand up and take a step. Lean forward if necessary. You are waiting.

Is this you: If you are bothered by the looks of others as you transform, close your eyes more often. They will think you are mysterious. Focus on one thing to change at at time if necessary. Concentration intensifies the result!


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach