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Ordinary Death

The end is near

Let’s Play Dead

We are going to face the end to get this month going. The one shared experience for all humans is death. It’s very democratic. It is the only way out. But death doesn’t demand fear. We bring that. Mostly, being scared of death is the thought of being in pain. That is not an everyday choice for most of us. If we eliminate the thought of suffering, death is just us moving on from our spirit’s assigned task in this world and our moving to the next. If we did a good job learning our lessons, our spirit enjoys the success. If we need to go back and relearn a few things, our spirit can arrange of do-over. Sounds like school.

Death becomes us

If you watch animals, they don’t seem to focus much on death. Those animal shows that somehow find the exact time that one animal catches another animal are stunning to us but part of nature. Some poor unsuspecting beast goes to the lake for a drink and becomes dinner. It makes you rethink going to the kitchen for a glass of water. Death takes the breathing body and stops the tasks that kept it alive. Our human machines shut down with a timing unknown to us. The randomness of death is the ultimate uncertainty in life. Humans don’t like uncertainty. Too vague. My mother told me that we should yearn for death. I didn’t understand what she meant when she said it. but I surely get it now. The longer you live, the clearer the path becomes.

Cancel the picture

Memories are the surest way of keeping anyone alive. Minds hold onto memories like a gift. If you take your journal right now and try to describe your earliest memory, you have started a lifelong project. Gradually fill the next pages with memories that someone else needs to remember about you. You might be the only person to actually have the memory. This is a way to share memories. People who keep faithful diaries enjoy looking back even a few years to remember their own lives. Imagine the pleasure someone else will have learning about what happened to you. There are so many sides to every life story. Tell yours.

Warm Hearts

Death never takes away love. The love in our hearts can overflow forever for anyone whether they are standing right next to us or left us standing all alone years ago. These spirits, alive or passed, are with you. Their energies are a part of you. If you have ever wondered how you finally did something that you knew in your mind you could not do, wonder no more. Close your eyes and put your hand on your own beating heart. It beats for not only you but with everyone you love, past and present. The best gift humans have is the ability to love even when separated. That is miraculous. The love is in you. The best part is the fact that you haven’t even met all of the people you are going to love in life. They are out there waiting for you. So, go and love like there is no tomorrow.

List those you love, near and far. Think about their spirits and describe them.


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach