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Ordinary Decision

Just decide to love

Precision Decision

The world offers us so many chances to decide. About everything at times. If you don’t think that you have control over your life, take into account the number of decisions you make every day. As soon as the alarm goes off, you are on the decision-making path for the day. By the way, decisions aren’t always negative. Suspending judgement on the emotion attached to a decision allows you to be an observer. For example, if you hit the snooze button, that may be for the best. That extra few minutes of rest can be a treat. The thought you automatically attach to hitting the snooze button is easily influenced by all of the articles you have read about how lazy and unproductive that action is. But maybe that is wrong. Hit the snooze button on the need to just grab an old thought. Be more precise.

Decide to Love

Falling in love is rarely precise. The fairy tales of love at first sight are more like explanations on understanding what it feels like to match energy. Often, humans date for many weeks or months before they realize that they have somehow fallen in love. It is hard to say when it happened many times. But somewhere along the line, a decision to love was made. It may have been running in the background until it got loud enough to get attention. This same scenario speeds up with puppies, kittens, red cars, delicious food and flowers. They are hard not to instantly feel great about due to the richness of the experiences attached to them. Because humans filter decisions so quickly and automatically, we can decide to instantly choose to have good thoughts sometimes. It’s almost like there was no choice. Weird.

Choose Love

Love must be very important based on its omnipresent place in our lives. Humans are offered so many opportunities to show or feel love, that it can result in the thought that choosing too much love cheapens it. Guess what? Totally wrong. The amount of love available counter-intuitively lets us know how spectacularly important love is in life. Choosing to love all day long in so many ways is a gift. The abundance of love available is the evidence humans should use to ante up how much love we gather. When we breathe, we use life-giving readily available air to keep oxygen flowing. In the same way, when humans look and choose to love as much as possible, the heart expands to hold onto it. You have probably noticed humans whose lives seem smaller because they are holding on to the smallest amount of love to feel. They seem cranky, cut off and unhappy. It is easy to feel sorry for them because they inhabit characters in sad stories.

True Decision

Think about how you decide to love. Updating involves just opening up and being curious. It’s alright to observe a little and choose to jump into love. The best part of love is how many ways it can be shown. It can be just a thought. Love can be a smile, a hug, a little unexpected assistance, the readiness to reach out before someone asks, sitting in silence just because or any way that comes to mind. Demonstrating love has no downside. But it may include becoming neutral in thought about the limited methods used in the past. Think new. Don’t assume. Choosing to love when it is difficult is outstanding. These moments of wrestling for control are signals to actively run toward them. These are the biggest chances to build up your love supply. On top of that, every challenge ensures that the next decision to love will come with ease.

Check on your love: Name your top five loves. Do you feel your love as a physical part of you? What decision can you make right now to love more?


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach