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Ordinary Desperation

Desperation Zone

One of the most easily identified emotions is desperation. The rashness of activities occurring with it creates extreme behavior. Actions that are fraught with creating misery for others are often the end result. Desperate behavior claws its way in as a defense to prevent some pain or sorrow to those who weren’t really paying much attention. It is not the most adult form of human activity and often looks like a lashing out to attempt escape. Being at the end of any rope is a desperate place.

Desperation Pattern

If you work in any type of cyclical business, you can see the next wave of desperation coming a mile away. It is often because those who are in a position to prevent the situation didn’t respond ahead of time when the next storm started off the coast. They get so used to riding the fun waves that they forget to prepare for wetter times. You can call it poor management but it is really blind stupidity. Some people never learn. You know some of them too. Their entitlement keeps them above the fray. Blame lands so much harder on the little people when you are looking down on them.

Seek Sooner

Desperate acts in life are usually a response to actions that feel life threatening. We all know that hurt people hurt people. Desperate people do too. They can lose their ability to filter out the wrong responses and get trapped in a corner. It makes a great horror film but a hopeless real-life scenario. Watching out for future consequences helps to alleviate the chances of getting run over by the desperados on their way out the door. They don’t have the mental strength to stay and think through a better answer. But they are very good at getting away without a scratch.

Desperately Sorry

Inflicting pain on others just to get it away from yourself causes rejection eventually. Especially if you are the one in charge and keep on resisting doing the work to prevent the issue. There is a limit on understanding for those who constantly expect everyone else to clean up after their ignorance. In time, those who do the repair work get a lot stronger and no longer have to suffer the consequences because they leave. That’s even sadder since being alone will result in having to clean up every mess alone. That will eliminate the desperation but also the company you could have had helping you along the way.

Why do companies continually repeat errors? When you feel desperate, can you pause and see if you are part of the blame? What does your desperate response look like?


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach