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Ordinary Distance

Stroll away

The Winds of Change

It is certainly easier to see the past. But it takes time to interpret it correctly. Think about your best friend from elementary school. If you are still close to them, that is rare. People move, go to new schools and get involved with acquaintances in different groups. But there is also an updated type of change that occurs in adulthood that is not discussed often. Some humans go through a process in their lives prior to life updates. If you have ever started to feel yourself moving away from certain people that were very close to you previously, it is not necessarily due to something negative. A serious transition in life is on the horizon when you feel it easy to give away items or discard the stuff that you really cherished. It may seem suddenly that your love of classic clothing has decreased and your new passion for modern pieces draws your eye. It may be that you walk into your bedroom and decide that the color doesn’t suit you any longer and you absolutely must have new bedclothes. Your new discriminate eye seems random. There is a good explanation for your newfound taste. It is you changing. When you start to create a distance between people or things that you coveted last year, pay attention. Your older identity was great, but your new self has some upgraded ideas. You may feel drawn to a kind of lifestyle that you had not chosen before. The breaks are designed to help you align with who you will be. It signifies who you are becoming. These changes don’t mean that you are better than anyone. They are there to remake you. If you can accept these with a sense of discovery, you are in for a treat.

Pay closer attention when you are attracted to a new person. place or thing over and over. Pursue and see what happens.

Memories make the past

Option #1: Think about anything that you have owned for multiple years and if you want, give it meaning again in your life.

Option #2: What is the dominant color associated with your life so far?

Option #3: What is warm and comforting that you could never give up?

That’s it. After you choose the option that best describes your understanding of life distance, take a few minutes to describe why you chose that option and what action, if any, may come next.


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach