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Ordinary Drinks

Thirst is everlasting

As quickly as possible, name your favorite drink. For some, this is the first one that wakes you up each day. For others, this will be the one enjoyed at the end of the day. If you couldn’t name a favorite, imagine the one you would request if you were super thirsty and found an oasis after a long walk in the desert. That probably wouldn’t match any you thought of so far. Desperately thirsty is a condition. Consider using that parameter to describe what you are pining for. It may be love, more money, a puppy or a new winter coat. Humans get urges. Developing the ability to determine what you are yearning for is a big task. That’s why humans reach back to those everyday choices that meet our needs. If you start the day the same way every time you open your eyes, look at where you are heading. If you see a worn path, it may be time to get out of bed on the other side. As soon as you reach for the cup or glass for your first drink, pause and check out what you are pouring. This is where breaking up the same-old thought starts. You may still decide to enjoy that same drink but you will automatically enjoy it differently. This little task can be applied to many tasks in your routine. The aha moment will occur when you can’t figure out why you are doing what you are doing. It will seem a little funny to watch yourself. That is one of the keys. Connecting to what you are choosing to do may surprise you. You might even change your choice of drinks. Be a scientist with yourself.

Grab the bartender

Option #1: What drink do you look forward to enjoying right now?

Option #2: Is your regular path worn out?

Option #3: Can you be a scientist for yourself?

That’s it. After you choose the option that best describes your chosen routines, take a few minutes to describe why you chose that option and what action, if any, may come next.


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach