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Ordinary End

Never-ending amen

Continuously Ending

There are starting and ending points continuously programmed into life. At the smallest level, each moment starts and ends. They feel like they just join one to another until there is a noticeable stopping point. Your sandwich didn’t have the right amount of sassy sauce on it and you felt cheated. Or that present you know you ordered late arrived late. At the top of the scale are those sudden ends to life. We know intellectually that all life will end at some unknown point. But a life close to us can’t be discarded like flowers that lose their bloom. It is way harder to pull out the petals and drop the stems into the trash. We hold onto life. It is meaningful.

Continuously Living

This is not the opposite of dying. This is the full-throated embrace of our centers of breath. It is probable that we have seen many depictions of birth on tv shows and movies. In-person births are especially powerful because they are truly reality. They bring the participants to tears of joy. They summon up feelings that no show can create. They represent life and living. Do you ever wonder what your parents were experiencing at your birth? You were the star of the show and might not even know what kind of earthquake you showed up with. If you are able to remember how your life started out, you might continuously smile to yourself for no reason. You broke the mold.

Standardized Living

This is the month to acknowledge our spiritual side. Don’t think ghosts and ghouls until later this month. Think ethereal. Considering this dimension of our spirit may be more uncomfortable because it hits high on the woo-woo scale. That may be due to the fact that it isn’t discussed enough. It isn’t discussed enough because there are so many sides to the story. But that is exactly why this is a thrilling topic. No one is wrong. We can all be correct. There are very few topics this rule applies to. My spirit is drawn to your spirit even if you haven’t really decided that you have one. I am unsure most days what my spirit looks like, but I know it when I experience it. It is all the good stuff tucked away in me. I may still be unsure how that stuff got there but that seems meaningless when I am more patient than I expect to be or quicker to provide a loving word that I knew was possible or more forgiving to myself when I didn’t live up to my own ridiculous standards.

Living Unknown

Try to live with your unknown self more this month. Take it on faith that there is more to you than currently available. I know this because there is stuff you just found out recently about yourself that you didn’t know two years ago. Remember back to what you were wearing two years ago. Remember your hair style, what you were driving or doing on a daily basis. Now you realize that I may be correct. You had a bunch of stuff at that point that was still in the future dark space. Consider how boring life would be if there weren’t surprises ahead. Shocks are different. They take a little more time to digest. Put on your holy-cow face and venture outside this month to discover what treasures are waiting for you.

Think about who you were in the second grade. Could you have imagined the current you?


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach