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Ordinary Energy

Beam Me Up

Modern Energy

Somewhere between the cave days and yesterday, energy became a necessary commodity. Our cave ancestors drew together around the fire to share the safety of heat. Light permitted exploration and kept everyone busy with survival. They shared energy at every opportunity. Modern day energy can isolate us because we often don’t need others to enjoy it. When contact diminished, energy was shared less. Brief encounters tend to break down easy interactions and lessen influence. It is no wonder that humans don’t feel heard or seen as often in current society. They aren’t around each other enough.

Energy Impact

The impact of our casual associations with other humans shrinks the unconscious absorption of each other’s energy and decreases our potential to affect those outside of our scope. When there are fewer chances to influence, accept and examine the energy of others, choices have a larger than normal effect. Most people don’t even think about the effect they have on others. It also lowers our own creation of choices. Our energy gets smaller and we do too.

Contemplate Energy

If you got a bill every month for the energy you siphoned off or provided to others, would the graph look unbalanced or would it demonstrate that you gave away more than you took? What if it showed that you took more than your share of energy? The mode you live in would be very evident. Think about asking yourself if you felt appreciated or respected. Think about if you gave away as much energy as possible to lift those around you. Which of these graphs do you want to represent your life? We are value driven humans. We like to think we inspire others. Small gestures and little moments of kindness go a long way and build the collective consciousness.

Positive Energy

The crux of our use of personal energy is our inability to notice it enough. This is a good month to check your spiritual contribution to the gracious humans around you. Living with more grace and simplicity doesn’t take more of you, it just takes more real you. Warmth is a delightful gift that takes us back to the cave. Tolerance creates openings to see more of life. You never know how much you can affect others until you do it. Take that thought out with you today and blow up your circle of influence.

Measure your energy. When do you feel full of life? How can grace be added to every interaction? Can you warm up the world with your energy?


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach