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Ordinary Engagement

Forever is forever

Jump off the bus

Humans thrive with great connections. They also have the ability to work well alone. The real trick is timing. Full engagement often symbolizes an intense focus on a particular task or project. There are other times when this leads to entrapment. A signal that the situation has reached entrenchment is that gurgling tummy or pounding headache. At that point, turning tail is the best recourse. Disengagement allows for the physical reaction to slow down and allows for a better viewpoint. Getting off the hook is the best way to see what the drama entails. Once our own unprocessed feelings are felt, an improved aspect is possible. It is like watching from outside the window instead of being inside with the explosion. Untangling the threads leads to a clearer understanding. Other humans often crop up in our lives to teach us a lesson. You may have thought you were done with school, but every day is a masterclass. Unhealthy patterns look and sound like they will cause more suffering. To get to the needed healing from the restriction, disengage and use the freedom of a better perspective.

Where is the relationship?

Option #1: Do you think you can step outside of your view?

Option #2: Can you change your reaction easily?

Option #3: What can you do to observe issues in a new light?

That’s it. After you choose the option that best describes how to change your perspective, take a few minutes to describe why you chose that option and what action, if any, may come next.


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach