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Ordinary Enough

Enough Already

It’s easy to know when we have had enough. Too much food, too much anger, too much to do in too little time. We hit our enough level even though it moves around quite a bit based on our daily mental and physical environment. You don’t hear much about too much fun, too much honesty or too much love. Overindulgence must be a one-way street.

Enough Life

Life requires us to master many tasks to keep on track. Human beings are adept at learning and we often catch on quickly when it is something important to us. There is an endless list of subjects to choose from although some classes are required just to keep the train on the track. This is great for us because there is always something new to challenge us. Just trying out a new line of thought could lead us to discover something enjoyable. Even better, we could get exposed to new humans and that is often entertaining. There will never be enough time to get around to everything but it is fun to attempt it.

More than Enough

Since sufficiency is a moving target, we must use our best guess on what meets our needs. Getting more than enough of something we think is good can result in a feeling of delight and surprise. It’s like finding that $20 bill in last year’s jacket when you first wear it this season. It puts a little skip in your step and elevates the moment. It may even start a pattern of looking for a twenty in every pocket. The one event just naturally led to the next. The only distinguishing difference is our thought about what might happen.

I am Enough

It is common to believe that there is a scarcity in us. We don’t feel as if we are enough because we haven’t lived through a specific event. The lack of experience leaves us with the feeling left over from our cave person days that we aren’t up to what is needed. This was absolutely imperative to survive then but our brains haven’t kept up with how times have changed and we sink back into the feeling of insufficiency. We doubt ourselves from a very deep place. The good news is that this is very old thought and can be changed by overriding those ancient thoughts. It does take a remarkable amount of repetition to counteract this long-standing belief but once you start to bring in the new belief, you are on a path that opens up more personal ability belief. You can just keep on repaving this new road with more new experiences that were not subjected to the old ways. I am enough. You are enough. Just take the next step and start walking down that road.

Can you abandon the idea of “enough” based on the fact that no one is aware of exactly what that is? Can you embrace the idea of whatever you get or give or do is enough just because it is? How do you measure enough?


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach