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Ordinary Failure Breeds Success

Failure creates the Signpost

Businesses tend to dwell on failures and that can be a good practice depending on how you do it. Failures, like mistakes, are signposts pointing directly to what is not right. Failures are the foundation to grasping what needs to change. Failure is a better friend than success sometimes because it is so direct. Think back to that last great idea you had that didn’t work out as planned. It could have been a strategy issue or something missing from absolute belief in the technique. You must dig deep sometimes to get to the stuff that you don’t see on the surface that just appears wrong. More likely, something fundamental was cracked. Maybe the whole project was built on shaky ground.

Try for Repeated Failures

If you don’t understand why something failed, you may feel lost. After all, you probably thought that the somewhat-well-thought-out plan would prove itself to be a winner. If you have ever tried to fly a kite on a beach, you theorize that you need a kite, some string and wind. There is a giant variable in there that might affect your success. That thing you can’t control will surely let you know where the error in your thoughts happened. You might attempt multiple tries because you know you have all of the components and think that it has to work. You will learn sooner or later what went well. But you will definitely have a better idea of where things went awry. You could read the signs.

Success through Flaws

You can’t be afraid of flaws. They are the little parts of the plan that show that trying something different might result in a better endpoint. You can believe all you want in something but if it isn’t built right, it might not be successful. There is no need to feel bad about examining the stress points; they require interpretation and will show you the next way. There might need to be multiple attempts to create a solution. Take-two and then take three and watch for more failure. Learn, absorb and change. If you want smooth, keep going.

Create a Combination

When you can add plans to beliefs and a healthy understanding of how to find success through failure, there is a chance that you will eventually have a result that you can smile about. But it does take combining fragile items together to create what might work in the best of conditions. Like kite-flying, there might be a variable that forces some rethinking. Watch for the signposts and be prepared to take cover if necessary. Remain open to the possibilities of all of your hard work flying away or crashing if you strain it. Your next creation will be stronger and built to weather anything.

Can you be pleased to find a flaw? Does the aspect of having to try over and over again make you doubt yourself? What can you think about combining differently to create success in your life today?


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach