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Ordinary Fear


20/20 Vision

You may not agree immediately with this thought. Fears are usually described as things that are outside of us. Loss of a loved one, lack of money, illness that requires medical assistance, snakes, etc. But the worst fear lives a little closer. It is us. This fear is not often acknowledged because it is so easy to pin our fears outward. That gives us something to work on that seems worthwhile. Humans like problems to solve because it feels like progress. The inner fear of ourselves is quiet but steady. It can be shocking to learn that we are the beast and not the beauty. This kind of fear whispers at times, shouts at others and sometimes just lurks beneath our skin. These are the fears that hold us back. These are the fears that keep us from trying new stuff. These are the fears that squash the occasional chances that arrive unexpectedly. They tug at the back of our shirts and keep us from the goalposts. But there is a way to thwart them. Accept them for what they are and work with them. Maybe they are innate signals factory installed to help us. With ruthless examination and the realization that they are the truest part of us, they can become part of our toolbox.

No hammers allowed

Option #1: What really is your biggest fear in yourself?

Option #2: Where do you feel your fear?

Option #3: Can you crash one current fear today?

That’s it. After you choose the option that best describes personal fear, take a few minutes to describe why you chose that option and what action, if any, may come next.


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach