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Ordinary Feelings

Life at a different level.

Differentiate Feelings

Time is just doing its construct thing and continuing. Coming back up for air after last week’s pause should feel good. Start with gentle deep breaths. Add in moving slowly into where you think you should be this month. If you have noticed something straighter about the way your back feels, or how you automatically relax your shoulders when you reach out to use your computer or even if you just noticed that you chew more slowly, life is settling into your new vibe. The antidote to the autopilot life is the unwritten one. Noticing what comes naturally now seems surprising. Oh life, being actually alive feels different. Welcome to theory month!

Feel Me

Maybe we get immune to feeling. That would be a great explanation to how our lives have been conducted in the past. If we truly want to be the conductor of our lives, we need to take up that fancy stance up on the symphony podium in front of a bunch of supportive music makers with our back to the crowd. That all seems apropos. With our backs to the crowd, the music drives our feelings. Imagine what the conductor hears when waving that magic wand around a symphony. Most probably close their eyes. Living life with a soundtrack would really be special. Our feelings could be expressed to suit life with beauty. All that singing in the shower I currently enjoy might need some new tracks. Those old ones have gotten a little tired.

Ordinary is always Extraordinary

I might not have said this recently, but this is the basis of my thought structure. I write on it, I speak on it, I try to live it and the counter-intuitiveness of it delights me. There is definitely some big luck in having my own philosophy. I look as often as possible into the opposite direction of what everyone else does. That means that I miss the obvious stuff most of the time. It also means that I enjoy a perspective that isn’t typical. But I figure that the things in my view were only meant for me. We all move our gaze in directions of our own choice. That means that we all see a completely random view. The starting and stopping edges are varied because we are all meant to see things differently. That kind of puts the theory of seeing everything the correct way into the dumpster.

Level Up

When elevators were invented, people did not know which way to stand when they waited for them or entered them. Gradually, mirrors were added outside and inside some, and our own faces took over to provide relief. Now, I can’t think of a more controlled box to wander into. Voices are hushed. we all face the same way and there is absolutely no touching. The elevator is devoid of feeling. This is a great month to decide where this is happening in our lives. We will check some old theories and see if they still fit. It may sound like exercise for our thoughts. Because it is. In fact, our thoughts will be taking the steps.

Can you think of a place where you automatically become someone else? We will be starting out in that place. Don’t bring a mirror; bring a hat and sunglasses. It’s a road trip.


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach