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Ordinary Firm or Forceful

Firm vs Forceful

Words matter. Anyone who has participated in a disagreement knows that words can trigger thoughts that bring on feelings that result in actions. Those actions don’t always have the optimal results. Words also have levels of strength. If you know what message you intend your words to deliver, you use the right ones.

Firmly Offered

If you want to provide a message associated with strength, you may want to choose words that signify solidly grounded material. Firm messages when thoughtfully articulated provide stability. Substantial weight often conveys truth. We all think that our thoughts are based on honesty; we also know that a thought can be closer to a perception sometimes and may need more clarification.

Forcefully Intended

Since humans really like the special gift of choice, too much pressure behind a message can trigger an automatic response to run. This ability is leftover from our cave dweller family and still useful. A pushy or too assertive communication immediately feels off base. The messenger might not have meant it to be received in that spirit but the words delivered an unintended consequence. The real intention can get lost in the weight of the words.

Firmly resolved

Taking the time to communicate with care is precious. Often we are in such a rush to move forward, we accidently make a less than best choice. When this happens, we hesitate to take the time the next opportunity comes to make a great choice. Repeating this tactic results in a lesser-than mentality. I know that everything in life is math or science. Resolving to making excellent choices levels up everything.

Can you choose words to create the outcome you desire? Slowing down dialogue often allows us to use the correct word to reach the intended destination. Do you intend for your forceful message to really be firm?


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach