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Ordinary Fit

Fit In

From birth, we try diligently to fit in. It’s part of the programming. You notice what is acceptable by seeing everyone around you who fits in. We conform in order to please the people we love and who love us in return. This mirror relationship doesn’t take into account the fact that sometimes the fit is not always comfortable, and we have to make adjustments to hide the wrinkles, sizing and lack of style. We may want to dress up like a toucan, but we were born into a family of zebras. The whole thought of showing off with all those colors is frowned upon, so we settle for blending in.

Suppress the Excess

The day may come when you look down at your zebra hoof and wonder what color you should use to paint it so that everyone else can see how absolutely glorious your beautiful hoof is. Your splendid hooves make it possible for you to run and jump. Other animals may feel sorry for you due to your lack of bright color, but you know that there is a secret behind the alternating stripes. Those stripes help regulate body temperature when grazing out in the hot sun. The pretty hooves would be a way to show some individuality. It’s not fun to suppress the real zebra hiding behind the stripes.

Fit Me

The relationship you have with yourself is the most important one you will ever have. Without a healthy inner connection, it is more difficult to have the kind of association you want to have with anyone else. When you start to release yourself from the earlier programming, you must get acquainted with yourself. It is essential to quiet the noise in your head. And you must throw off any guilty feelings that you are rejecting your loved ones. Finding you is the best way to honor those who taught you first. It might take them a while to catch up with your needs. They have their own to wrestle. Setting up your own systems, schedules, and values demonstrates to the world your choices. You don’t have to fit in anymore to fit yourself.

Listen Carefully

When you stop to notice it, the constant bombardment of noise makes it hard to hear. When lives start to get more complex and many decisions need to be made, it is difficult to make the right decision all of the time. As adults, we think it is more important to listen and respond with our brains. There is a tendency to think these decisions are better because they don’t get mixed up with what our hearts want. And it is not always considered adult to use your heart as a basis for what you want to do. The reality is that we tend to think that way because others think that way. We like good models. When both the brain and the heart are taken into consideration about how to fit in, a more authentic self appears. We are meant to balance our most precious organs to achieve a healthy life. If the fit improves by utilizing strengths, a perfect fit is created.

Do your own clothes fit you? Do you ever think with your heart? Are you comfortable not being the same as everyone around you?


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach