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Ordinary Fun

Is it funny to think about fun?

Funny you should ask

The seasons grow up and away from our early youth and their easy inspiration. Once the acquaintance phase has passed there is less surprise, and we settle into a general understanding of what seasons offered. In warmer climates, the ability to spend more time outside brings in seasonal customs that would be uncomfortable in colder weather. Few of us dream about that first hotdog in snowy months. But when your inner eater wants to grill something outside for a family holiday, you don’t want to be alone on the job. You want friends, family members, music and the occasional dog running around playing the games. You want company. The food is great, but the human beings make it more fun. Very acceptable fun.

Unacceptable Fun

Human beings decrease time spent in fun activities as they age. They may play sports that are fun (if they win) or they may go on trips that give them pleasure (after getting out of the airport) or they may go on outings with children and have fun watching them have fun. It is almost as if there is an age limit on fun. If you want to test this theory, go to an amusement park. See how hard it is for adults to squeal with pleasure. Children naturally have the ability to giggle, laugh or throw their heads back when their bodies feel the fun they are having. When was the last time you giggled? It may just be our natural reticence to look unlike our serious selves. It may just be that we get invested in seeing others happy. That is perfectly okay but doesn’t have to stop the feeling of fun from finding a home in our tummies. While you are at the park, wait by the ride exits and watch the adults climb off or out of the cars. Their smiles linger just a little as they return to earth.

Not just fun and games

My love of all water, water sports, activities in water and gazing at water gives me a lot of pleasure. Swimming is naturally fun for me. Having my hair fly about on a speedboat is physically delightful. Watching crashing waves creates a deep satisfaction in my soul. Grabbing a glass of cold water is the satisfaction my body is crying out for on a hot day. But listening to the first locusts sing each summer makes me smile also. They have a clear calendar. Eating ice cream while sitting on a bench is fun until the brain-freeze hits. Just don’t forget the sprinkles. And that first hot dog of the season will be curated with just the right mixture of toppings so that those initial bites will scream fun in my mouth. Rainbows that appear after thunderstorms never get old. Humans react universally in wonder every time they spot one. They take pictures, discuss the colors and size and those of a certain age will hear a familiar song in their heads.

Permission to Do So

This month there are no theories. This is a month of fun in all its forms. Let this be your permission slip to have as much fun as you can possibly handle. You can share it with others also. In fact, see how many humans you can help engage in having fun this month. You know the ones who need it the most. But don’t say that to them. Just act like you always intended them to come along with you. If you need to make them a permission slip, do so. Fun should not just be for kids. In fact, considering how long we take to grow up, fun should last a lifetime.

Did you have any fun today? Why or why not?


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach