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Ordinary Good Old Days

Good Old Days

The common practice of looking back to a familiar time in the past that seemed easier is often referred to as the good old days. It might be perceived as a more wholesome time, simpler to manage or better for its lack of complications. It could be last week or twenty years ago depending on your circumstances. We love comparisons of prices, procedures, school subjects and methods of entertainment. In the last century, there were stories about how scary the first “talkies” were when movie goers first experienced them. Those kinds of people could never sit through most modern action films.

Simpler Times

Complicated times shouldn’t mean less enjoyable. Our commonly used technology, smart phones, allows for convenience, instant communication and an increase in the feeling of safety to many of us. It is simple to operate, but not a simple gadget. And the good old days for phone comparison is just a couple of decades ago. We still made plenty of calls when the cord was attached to the device on the wall. Phones had their own furniture to help provide comfort. Phone books were even used regularly to make it possible for little folks to reach the dinner table. And those yellow pages were quite entertaining.

Nostalgic Fantasy

When we glamorize old times or old thoughts, that’s where we experience divergent viewpoints. Going through life at any time has its challenges and even when there are incredible inventions to try out, the previous way of completing a task might be seen as better by those who choose it. It’s where choice does its best work. The nostalgia makes for great storytelling and conveys a patina of charm. There are modern day equivalents of old-fashioned forms. Clubs with light shows replaced saloons with piano players. Singing and dancing with other humans remains entertaining. The general merchandise store didn’t have as many items as the local supermarket but it was easier to know what to buy. Luckily, there are areas that most of us can agree on as better – cars, clothes and toys come to mind. Sometimes, greater selection permits us to identify ourselves through our things.

Is today your Good Old Day

If you projected yourself twenty years into the future, how would today meet the criteria to be a good old day for you? When you think about your current life, there are so many things to distinguish it as good, it can be hard to choose. Looking back fondly on today takes some appreciation of what we currently have. It creates gratefulness. It makes you stop for a moment to consider the beauty of now. You don’t have to wait until something has been replaced to be thoughtfully thankful. Being aware of your good old day starts with your intention on how you want to experience it. Realistically, we create our own good old days. Time travelling has its benefits. As you travel through today, think about the good stuff so you can tell a better story in the future.

What makes an average day into a good old day? Can you imagine what story you will be telling in the future about today? Are you nostalgic now for anything that is changing in your life?


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach