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Ordinary Grip

What are you grasping onto? Let go and fly.

Check your Grip

Another new month. Time to check in. Are you noticing your breathing more? Have you settled into your gentleness in communicating? Stuff still happens when we don’t push so hard. If you have looked at yourself, do you notice that you are moving your body more and not groaning while doing it? Does putting your hand on your heart make you feel more love? It’s alright to go back and read through the last few blogs to see what appeals to you this week. When you walk backwards, the view is completely different. Today, look down at your hands. If you are holding onto something, is it like holding hands or gripping a rope that is hanging off a cliff? Are you afraid to let go? Give away some scrolling, screaming, streaming and slow growth.

Grab on

Think about walking on ice. The increased stress on our wobbly ankles feels tenuous. There is a lot of focus on our feet. The practice of taking one step at a time is required. When we are forced to slow down and concentrate, it is amazing how everything else just fades into the background. This is a strange lesson but really demonstrates how quickly we can flex. If you have to find something to grab onto for stability, you have to figure out what that actually is very quickly. It looks a little silly just standing there trying to determine what comes next. Who are we when we are unstable? Before the grab, what is the feeling that crosses the gap?

Ready to be More You

You’ve had a chance to think about this now. The steps up to this point have been doable, so it is time for the undoable. Throughout your previous life, you have had to take a lot of chances to get to this point. It’s possible for you to continue moving, especially if some of them look like dance steps. The reluctance to be unique after you have towed the line creates the dissonance. Lookout for it. When you reach that point, that’s your inner signal. If you can start right here to trust yourself even if that is hard to do, this is your real starting point. You will be safe enough. This time think of your grip as the one you want to have on that swinging rope that sends you out over the pool of a waterfall. That grip is loose enough to let go at the exact right moment to let you sail through the air and know that the release will end in the cooling water. Bonus points if you hear laughing and applause. Close your eyes and envision how good it will feel to fly through the air. The feeling as you come back to the surface is the giddy you that has let go. Check your hands. You have stopped gripping onto everything.

Stop Hoarding

Look around you. If you are holding onto stuff and feelings that don’t fit into the world you want to live in, pick up one and get rid of it. Removing the unappreciated, unneeded, unloved parts of life leads to the dream. The big one. Now you have really started. It gets way easier to pick up the next one and choosing the feeling you would rather have than the stupid one you woke up with and held onto without thought. Now you have thought. You have desires. You are starting to see the you that you didn’t get a chance to create. Don’t put this off. You have done your time. Give up the prison food and stop complaining about it also. There is a brand-new buffet waiting for you. If you choose not to choose it, that’s on you. Eventually you will feel the hunger for you. And don’t forget, take a breath.

Diagnosis: Are you sick of being sick? Guess who is holding onto that? Check your hands, look down and let go.


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach