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Ordinary Gut

Gut Truth

Without really thinking too hard about it, you have made many gut decisions. These are usually based on preexisting thoughts and former choices. They are sometimes called intuition. But folks are uncomfortable with woo-woo words that don’t have an organ attached to them. This inner guide seems very practical minded and smart. Probably because it seems to have figured out how to make a quick decision without a lot of drama. This voice comes from a neutral space and demonstrates good judgement.


We call those without strength or the ability to make fast decision “gutless.” They may actually be using their minds to make a decision instead of just winging it. Their lack of speed makes them seem weak. But the hesitation is probably based on some calculation of danger or fear. If we choose to override this point, there is a higher probability of something not working out because our minds are not in sync with our gut. If you end up telling yourself “I told you so,” you should have paused a little longer and made a different decision. The gentle pause allows for analysis and increases the belief in the result. Since our thoughts eventually create the outcome, there is a better chance of getting what you want to really happen.


When something is triggering you, distress appears. This particular feeling is pointing the way to what requires action. The gut doctor can then go to work diagnosing your internal state and letting you see exactly what requires a reconnection to get healed. Healing allows the limiting feelings to release because better feelings take up that space. Your gut still provided the deeper message and worked to align your true feelings with your better self. It takes removing some old filler to experience the comfort of new stuffing. Healing yourself is an incremental process that doesn’t depend on anyone else to figure out what is ailing you. You probably already know because you are not gutless.

You go First

Just like on airplanes, channeling life-saving energy internally first permits shared help to occur. When you are going through a crisis, if you can get stabilized, it is easier to lend a hand to others who may also need help. Focusing on assisting anyone else shifts the viewpoint and tends to decrease the original issue. Being of service to anyone results in increasing internal joy. The actual act of lending a hand functions as a connection builder and results in leveling up all of the energy available. When we realize that we do better with others, we elevate the theory that we are really all in this thing together. It is like insurance for the soul.

Can you detach from drama and attach to finding a path to help others? What is your intuition style? Is there any particular place you feel compelled to serve?


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach