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Ordinary Happiness

Happiness is Possible

Happiness must have a lot of publicity managers. Happiness has been marketed as available after reaching some specific level and the benchmark is different for everyone. But the methods to feel it seem to be everywhere. In literature, it is constantly written about, and it has songs that expound its value. Art makes some people happy and ice cream works in the summer. We want to be happy and experience its thrill. But it turns out that happiness isn’t that drink you grab from the frig, the beach full of sand toys, attaining the perfect body or capturing the attention of the coolest partner. Don’t get me wrong, these sound really good and are worth checking out, but they don’t guarantee happiness. But that doesn’t stop us from wanting to discover it. Humans are very into the sport of happiness hunting.

Happiness Pursuit

We made it legit. The pursuit of happiness is one value that is often used as a reason for chasing something that we think will result in pleasure. Straight A students, lottery winners and underdog sports teams who unexpectedly win a game should all be called to provide testimony on their experience of how happiness feels. Although the excitement eventually dies down, there is a moment of realization that creates fireworks. But when we only count on feeling happy due to outside influences, that limits some of its availability. Broadening the scope opens up the possibility to even more instances of happiness.

Happiness Secret

This is no surprise. The secret of happiness is that it is a by-product of creating and living a life that works, a life with enjoyment. The feeling of happiness comes from doing what you want, where you want to do it and with those you want to do it with. All of those details remove happiness as an outside-only influencer and move it inside. Happiness involves decisions and not just random events. Deciding how to organize your life to increase happiness includes plans and desires that are personal. Happiness becomes a part of your outlook when you have some control over your choices and lets you refine those possibilities to fit into your life. People discuss the aspects of “making a living” in terms of how much money they are paid. But really making a living should include how you spend your time, what work you perform, what you eat and how you show up in relationships.

Happiness Choice

When choice is removed from the equation, humans get upset. We like to think that it is our right to do whatever we want to do. Deciding to stop chasing happiness and allowing it to come to you is a good first step. When you are doing something meaningful to you, happiness makes you shine. That affect is not a secret because others notice it. Sharing the secret that happiness is an inside job often comes as a shock to others. We are trained to wait. But it is not a requirement; it is a learned behavior. Happiness doesn’t have many requirements. It can last for ten minutes or ten years. It is fueled by feelings of well-bring and satisfaction. For those of us who like the feeling of control, choosing happiness is the ultimate gift. Even better, it doesn’t depend on the random outside occurrence. It is just waiting for you.

Are you happy with any part of your life? What gives you the feeling of satisfaction? Where is happiness available right now?


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach