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Ordinary Heart

Listen to the beat

Be Still my Heart

Your heart speaks in beats. There is a reason you take the stairs instead of the elevator. You want to make sure that it is able to speed up comfortably as you increase your growth. Sometimes spirit needs to run with the wolves. This might look like running away or toward but it is still running. Since healthy is a feeling and not a number, this works when the heart says why not.

Breathing Heart

We have dissected this heart previously. It is still startling that there are brain cells in the heart that make more messages for the brain than the mind sends south. Oxygenating reinvigorates the whole body which adds to the successful spirit. Being spirited, feeling spirited, and sharing spirited moments keeps the beating from taking on an unusual cadence. To feel it, close your eyes, place your dominant hand on your heart and sit back. Breathe. You know the drill.

Heartfelt Forgiveness

The result of forgiving always bounces back with goodness. The best free lesson from offering forgiveness is using the anticipation of the promise of better emotion. When you consider what feeling is desired, just the tease of doing the best thing for everyone is welcome. Any change that is within the possibility of good times deserves air time. When you add in that others will benefit, forgiveness is a slam dunk. Besides, our spirits consider this the golden rule.

Bless Me

When praying for forgiveness, there are rituals. These are routines or habits that help support the actual method so that the human does not have to develop the way and the spirit feels the excitement of getting to use its power. Practice starts with self-forgiveness early and often so that forgiving others becomes another polite societal interaction. There is no need to make statements about how sorry one is because the actual depth will be determined by the receiver. Whatever value comes from the forgiveness is spread between the participants. Bless us one and all.

Hear the beat. Your spirit wants to interact in so many roles and just needs a gentle invitation. It’s like sending flowers, don’t wait for an occasion.


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach